বুধবার, ০৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫  |   ২৭ °সে
আজকের পত্রিকা জাতীয়আন্তর্জাতিকরাজনীতিখেলাধুলাবিনোদনঅর্থনীতিশিক্ষাস্বাস্থ্যসারাদেশ ফিচার সম্পাদকীয়
ব্রেকিং নিউজ
  •   হাইমচরে মাটি বোঝাই বাল্কহেডসহ আটক ৯
  •   কচুয়ায় কৃষিজমির মাটি বিক্রি করার দায়ে ড্রেজার, ভেকু ও ট্রাক্টর বিকল
  •   কচুয়ায় খেলতে গিয়ে আগুনে ঝলসে গেছে শিশু সামিয়া
  •   কচুয়ায় ধর্ষণের অভিযোগে যুবক শ্রীঘরে
  •   ১ হাজার ২৯৫ কেজি নিষিদ্ধ পলিথিন জব্দ করেছে কোস্ট গার্ড

প্রকাশ : ১২ নভেম্বর ২০২৩, ০০:০০

Man Made Calamity
Bimal Kanti Das

Time seems to change its nature during political calamity and in any distressful period. A group of hot-heady people owing to monomania towards central political power, insisted on doing some ugly activities. It victimizes common people. Consequently, the normal life-leading practice becomes abnormal. The present hardly exists, for human feelings and sensation are absent, which might separate the present from the fast Bangladesh of the great poet Rabindranath Tagore, National poet Kazi Nazrul Islam, and the poet Jibananando. Now that’s a dead past. Yet the past is ever with us as we are immersed in it. But it is not life at all unless we can find vital links in between the clumsy present and the golden fast.

Once upon a time, there prevailed an uncomparable situation in every sphere of the country and that was extremely praise-worthy in the world.

The heart-whole position of the joint Bengal had been turned into a racial heart-burning Bengal. That was breaded from the heinous ideology of the 'Two nations theory' and 'The division of Bengal' which originated in the year 1940 and 1905 respectively.

We should abide by the proverb 'First deserve their desire'. In deserving status, the desire is fulfilled by the grace of Him. So in no way, people should get any sort suffer.

Political sagacity should always deal with the greater interest of the state as well as the civilians. But now a days it is contraindicated in the truest sense of the term. Here the only remedial factor is to have deep patience. Because time shall decide the factor naturally in due course of time.

The moment we got a national flag designed with green and red color, the symbol of independence, a group of ambitious freedom fighters killed our father of the nation along with other four national leaders and they left no stone unturned to establish the newly independent Bangladesh as a nasty state full of anarchy. But all of their evil intentions went in vain. Accidentally an ancestress appertained here in Bangladesh as a reformer of the wholly polluted country. The then Bangladesh was full of anti-Independence, anti-social, and evil spiritual worms in disguise. The ancestress reformer Sheikh Hasina had to face a lot of hostility. Nevertheless she made a matchless Bangladesh with respect to the ultra-modern communication system and digitalization in every sphere of the country. Ancient Bengal was also uncommonly beautiful in comparison with the others.

This still activity has a touch of eternity but the bureaucratic rule is the burning question from the common people as it yields nasty culture in every sphere of everyday life.

The pure and virgin moment of time and existence that divides the past from the future. And the present emerges from the vail of the future.

In the past, the people were always in quest of a genius public representative who would serve them at the top of his capacity. Presently it has become illogic owing to some cause of action. The future is our extract of the past and present. But every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Bimal Kanti Das : Poet and Essayist; Retired Senior Teacher, Balakhal Jogendra Narayan High School and Technical College, Balakhal, Hajiganj, Chandpur.

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